Saturday, 27 August 2016

Eluding Love's Long Ladder

It has a manner of casting us to and fro in the winds
A feeling of hope from newborn novelty.
The excitement of the uncertainty of the pursuit.
Blinded to being cognizant of its rapacious ephemeral nature
The pursuit presses onwards
Only towards the doom of gloom which so often befalls the pursuers

The lovelorn are left looking for more unrequited love
The coast of companionship is so far beyond common sight
Time is poured into diverse facets of life
Yet the frothing pot stews in the background of all life
Love’s long ladder eludes the desirous again
To be left only more disillusioned and void of hope

Sunday, 14 August 2016

Within the Cathedral of the Lowly Aged

Mid the din of youth’s cascading exuberance
Strong and beautiful and smooth to the right and left
Bright faces shining in directions many
The rhythm of the drum shakes the floor, the soul
The menagerie of bodies uplifts the spirit

Within the lively cathedral of the lowly aged
Where hope abounds outwardly and esteem collapses inward
Your story is no different
A wallflower of sorts – eyes upon the lively figures, the ears attend to every syllable
The skin to excitement and the heart racing to and fro’

An outward appearance of connection and enjoyment
Covering the inner turmoil of being within yet without
The stark impetus of time rolling relentlessly onwards
To make fear home in the heart
To sense your mortality waning

Feet rooted to the spot
The brief sensational nirvana rears an ugly visage
Regret of not pushing the bounds
Hurt of not reaching across the chasm
Inner death for lack of bodily fluidity

You slip away
The wallflower, now the flower on the river
Flowing away from the life
Streaming to the space of desolate solitude
For the contemplations and thoughts to consume the last light within