Wednesday 8 January 2014

F*ck Them All - Time For Some Controversy - Tirade Against Materialism and Narrow-Mindedness

Ya know, there's one thing in this world that I find hard to come to terms with.  From the day we are born we are told things.
Thank you Captain Obvious, more specific?
Finish high school, go to college, get married (for men, unless your woman is hot as hell, you've failed), work your way up in a corporation, buy a house, get 2.5 kids, tell your children the same things you were told from birth, retire and die.
Oh son, you must study engineering so that you can make $100k a year and buy a nice car.
Girl, you must become a nurse so that you can help people and get money for helping them.
Young man, you must scour the bars at your university and place of work until you find the woman who is most attractive and base a relationship, engagement and marriage solely on the fact that she is attractive.
Young woman, you may not have a say over your body and you must abide by the rules of a patriarchal society which were designed so that men may permanently have dominion over you.
Man, you must buy insurance, mindlessly spend hours in front of the television watching burly men wrestling over an egg-shaped ball and spill copious amounts of Superbowl advertised beer down your oesophagus and blame your broken family on things other than yourself.
Woman, you may never look beyond the kitchen stove or your children's mouths.
You will do this.  You will do that.  You need this.  You need that.
F*ck them all.
Stop believing the lies we are fed from our youth which over the plethora of time has nestled in our hearts as "normal".  Stop thinking that there is one way of life superior to another.  Stop mindlessly ploughing through another 9 hours at work thinking that this is good for my pension check.  Stop buying all the useless crap that beams from our tv sets, magazine covers, billboards, radios and newspapers.
You don't need the latest iPhone.  You don't need to drink a sixpack of Budweiser to find joy.  You don't need to drive the Mercedes your colleague drives.   You don't need to conform to the hetero-normative social expectations for relationships laid out by society.
The only things your physical body cannot survive without is water, food, sleep, urination, oxygen, defecation and some other smaller things.  If you have these things, you don't need anything more. 
Keep the above necessities and rather pursue the non-tangible, which can never be corrupted.
I dream of a world where every person gets to follow the calling of their hearts (as long as activities involving others are done with consent of all parties, including fauna and flora).  If filling up a bag with essentials and running towards wherever your feet takes you give you peace and brings you happiness, no one should look down upon you.
"Don't let anybody ever tell you you can't do something.  You've got a dream - you've gotta protect it."
Experience the joy and fullness of the planet we were given for free and go where the wind takes you.  You are the Captain of your soul and the master of your fate.  Don't let anybody force you into a certain way of life.  They will try and suppress the feelings of escape and rebellion in you by waving dollars in front of your face.  They will calm you by keeping you as deep in your comfort zone as possible.
Don't be fooled, my friends.  There is so much more to life than we are told from the start.  If there is one job for you out there, it is to find out what this life means to you.  Explore.  Adventure.  Take the leap of faith.  Drop it all and run.  You will discover greater treasure than any $100k a year job could ever bring you.
Seek and you shall find. Knock and it shall be opened.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah..what/who were you before the world told you what/who you should be??....
